Excelsior Academy

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Patient Gardener

Children, too, are living organisms who will grow on their own time table. Yes, there are things you can do as a teacher to speed things along, but meddle too much and the harvest will not be as sweet. As Mason said, let us allow our students to take from a reading what they are ready to digest. Let them explore their world freely. Let them make connections on their own. Prepare the ground with a loving environment, carefully pull out the weeds by helping with habit formation, let them drink deeply from God’s word, and then leave the rest to the fullness of time. (Jennifer Spencer)

This part of Jennifer's article caught my attention, it speaks to the heart of why I homeschool. I want my children to make connections on their own and to be prepared to enjoy and experience life but some days I miss the mark and I forget the most important part of their education. So often we are trying to get them to tell us everything they know, complete every problem, correct every mistake and the environment is so negatively charged you can't even stand it. The most important part is, CM says it well, "let them drink deeply from God's word." That is the source that will fulfill all their needs, develop their characters, provide enrichment for their mind, body and soul, and give them strength and confidence to pursue His plans for their lives. As they drink deeply, so must we so that we are able to assist in this endeavor.

I encourage you to read the entire article because it is truly an eye-opener to what type of gardener (teacher) you are. I desire to be like the 2nd one ~ the patient gardener, don't you?!

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posted by Dawn ;) at 6:08 AM


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