Excelsior Academy

Saturday, April 14, 2007

~ School Out ~

Well, our term will be ending in about 2 weeks. We are suppose to be on break this week but due to the upcoming volunteer opportunity at the end of the month, we move things around. Overall, everything is going well though we are still moving slowly thru math. No big deal, its all a process and we take it one day at a time. I'm thinking about starting my week in review again so that I can see our progess. I do it for my own teacherly purposes, you know so I know that I know what we are doing. ;D So stay tuned, I will be posting our weekly updates on Weds again but am considering switching to Mons.

Have a great weekend!

til next time ~ in the life & times of the Excelsior Warriors!!

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posted by Dawn ;) at 3:57 AM 0 comments